prohibition, inhibition
veto, disallowance
interdict, interdiction
injunction, estoppel [Law]
embargo, ban, taboo, proscription
restriction etc. (restraint) Restraint
hindrance etc. Hindrance
forbidden fruit
Maine law [U.S.].
prohibit, inhibit
forbid, put one's veto upon, disallow, enjoin, ban, outlaw, taboo, proscribe, estop [Law]
debar etc. (hinder) Hindrance, forefend. keep in, keep within bounds
restrain etc. Restraint
cohibit, withhold, limit, circumscribe, clip the wings of, restrict
interdict, taboo
put under an interdiction, place under an interdiction
put under the ban, place under the ban
exclude, shut out
shut the door, bolt the door, show the door
warn off
dash the cup from one's lips
forbid the banns.
prohibitive, prohibitory
restrictive, exclusive
forbidding etc. v.. prohibited etc. v.
not permitted etc. Permission
unlicensed, contraband, impermissible, under the ban of
illegal etc. [Absence or violation of law.] Illegality
unauthorized, not to be thought of, uncountenanced, unthinkable, beyond the pale.
that will never do
don't you dare
forget it
don't even think about doing it
go ahead
make my day [Iron.]" [Dirty Harry].