bane, curse
evil etc. Evil
hurtfulness etc. (badness) [Capability of producing evil. Bad qualities.] Badness
painfulness etc. (cause of pain) [Capability of giving pain; cause or source of pain] Painfulness
scourge etc. (punishment) [Instrument of punishment.] Scourge
white elephant. sting, fang, thorn, tang, bramble, brier, nettle. poison, toxin
leaven, virus venom
antimony, tartar emetic
strychnine, nicotine
miasma, miasm, mephitis, malaria, azote, sewer gas
pest. [poisonous substances, examples] Albany hemp, arsenious oxide, arsenious acid
bichloride of mercury
carbonic acid, carbonic gas
choke damp, corrosive sublimate, fire damp
hydrocyanic acid, cyanide, Prussic acid, hydrogen cyanide
marsh gas, ratsbane. [poisonous plants] hemlock, hellebore, nightshade, belladonna, henbane, aconite
banewort, bhang, ganja, hashish
Upas tree. [list of poisonous substances] Toxline (online). rust, worm, helminth [Med.], moth, moth and rust, fungus, mildew
dry rot
canker, cankerworm
viper etc. (evil doer) [Maleficent being] Evil doer
demon etc. Demon. [Science of poisons] toxicology.