- transfer, conveyance, assignment, alienation, abalienation
- demise, limitation
- conveyancing
- transmission etc. (transference) Transference
- enfeoffment, bargain and sale, lease and release
- exchange etc. (interchange) [Double or mutual change.] Interchange
- barter etc. Barter
- substitution etc. [Change of one thing for another.] Substitution. succession, reversion
- shifting use, shifting trust
- devolution.
- transfer, convey
- alienate, alien
- assign
- grant etc. (confer) Giving
- consign
- make over, hand over
- pass, hand, transmit, negotiate
- hand down
- exchange etc. (interchange) [Double or mutual change.] Interchange. change hands, change hands from one to another
- devolve, succeed
- come into possession etc. (acquire) Acquisition. abalienate
- disinherit
- dispossess etc. Taking
- substitute etc. [Change of one thing for another.] Substitution.
- alienable, negotiable.
- estate coming into possession.