accounts, accompts
commercial arithmetic, monetary arithmetic
statistics etc. (numeration) Numeration
money matters, finance, budget, bill, score, reckoning, account. books, account book, ledger
day book, cash book, pass book
debtor and creditor account, cash account, running account
account current
balance, balance sheet
account settled, acquit, assets, expenditure, liabilities, outstanding accounts
profit and loss account, profit and loss statement, receipts. bookkeeping, accounting, double entry bookkeeping, reckoning. audit. [person who keeps accounts] accountant, auditor, actuary, bookkeeper, bean counter [Sarc.]
financier etc. Treasurer
accounting party
chartered accountant, certified accountant
accounting firm, auditing firm.
keep accounts, enter, post, book, credit, debit, carry over
take stock
balance accounts, make up accounts, square accounts, settle accounts, wind up accounts, cast up accounts
make accounts square, square accounts. bring to book, tax, surcharge and falsify. audit, field audit
check the books, verify accounts. falsify an account, garble an account, cook an account, cook the books, doctor an account.
monetary etc. Money
accountable, accounting.