payment, defrayment
acquittance, quittance
settlement, clearance, liquidation, satisfaction, reckoning, arrangement. acknowledgment, release
receipt, receipt in full, receipt in full of all demands
voucher. salary, compensation, remuneration (reward) Reward. repayment, reimbursement, retribution
pay etc. (reward) Reward
money paid etc. (expenditure) Expenditure. ready money etc. (cash) Money
stake, remittance, installment. payer, liquidator etc. Treasurer. pay cash, pay cash on the barrelhead.
pay, defray, make payment
paydown, pay on the nail, pay ready money, pay at sight, pay in advance
cash, honor a bill, acknowledge
pay in kind. pay one's way, pay one's shot, pay one's footing
pay the piper, pay sauce for all, pay costs
do the needful
shell out, fork out
cough up [Coll.], fork over
come down with, come down with the dust
tickle the palm, grease the palm
expend etc. Expenditure
put down, lay down. discharge, settle, quit, acquit oneself of
foot the bill
account with, reckon with, settle with, be even with, be quits with
strike a balance
settle accounts with, balance accounts with, square accounts with
quit scores
wipe off old scores, clear off old scores
pay in full
satisfy all demands, pay in full of all demands
clear, liquidate
pay up, pay old debts. disgorge, make repayment
repay, refund, reimburse, retribute
make compensation etc. Compensation. pay by credit card, put it on the plastic.
paying etc.
paid etc. v.
owing nothing, out of debt, all straight
unowed, never indebted.
to the tune of
on the nail, money down.