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  • peace
  • amity etc. (friendship) Friendship
  • harmony etc. (concord) Concord
  • tranquility, calm etc. (quiescence) Quiescence
  • truce, peace treaty, accord etc. (pacification) Pacification
  • peace pipe, pipe of peace, calumet of peace. piping time of peace, quiet life
  • neutrality. [symbol of peace] dove of peace, white dove. [person who favors peace] dove. pax Romana [Lat.]
  • pacific
  • peaceable, peaceful
  • calm, tranquil, untroubled, halcyon
  • bloodless
  • neutral. dovish
  • the storm blown over
  • the lion lies down with the lamb
  • all quiet on the Potomac
  • peace hath her victories no less renowned than peace hath her victories no less renowned than war" [Milton]
  • they make a desert and they call it peace."