keep together, draw together, pull together, club together, hand together, hold together, league together, band together, be banded together
stand shoulder to shoulder, put shoulder to shoulder
act in concert, join forces, fraternize, cling to one another, conspire, concert, lay one's heads together
confederate, be in league with
collude, understand one another, play into the hands of, hunt in couples. side with, take side with, go along with, go hand in hand with, join hands with, make common cause with, strike in with, unite with, join with, mix oneself up with, take part with, cast in one's lot with
join partnership, enter into partnership with
rally round, follow the lead of
come to, pass over to, come into the views of
be in the same boat, row in the same boat
sail in the same boat
sail on the same tack. be a party to, lend oneself to