Sentient and Moral Powers
Sympathetic Affections
Social Affections
marriage, matrimony, wedlock, union, intermarriage, miscegenation, the bonds of marriage, nuptial tie. married state, coverture, bed, cohabitation. match
betrothment etc. (promise) Promise
wedding, nuptials, Hymen, bridal
espousals, spousals
leading to the altar etc. v.
nuptial benediction, epithalamium
sealing. torch of Hymen, temple of Hymen
hymeneal altar
honeymoon. bridesmaid, bridesman, best man
bride, bridegroom. married man, married woman, married couple
neogamist, Benedict, partner, spouse, mate, yokemate
husband, man, consort, baron
old man, good man
wife of one's bosom
helpmate, rib, better half, gray mare, old woman, old lady, good wife
squaw, lady
matron, matronage, matronhood
man and wife
wedded pair, Darby and Joan
spiritual wife. monogamy, bigamy, digamy, deuterogamy, trigamy, polygamy
spiritual wifery, spiritual wifeism
Turk, bluebeard. unlawful marriage, left-handed marriage, morganatic marriage, ill-assorted marriage
matrimonial agency, matrimonial agent, matrimonial bureau, matchmaker
marry, wive, take to oneself a wife
be married, be spliced
go off, pair off
wed, espouse, get hitched [U.S.] , lead to the hymeneal altar, take 'for better for worse', " give one's hand to, bestow one's hand upon. marry, join, handfast
couple etc. (unit) Junction
tie the nuptial knot
give away, give away in marriage
ally, affiance
betroth etc. (promise) Promise
publish the banns, bid the banns
be asked in church.
married etc. v.
one, one bone and one flesh. marriageable, nubile. engaged, betrothed, affianced. matrimonial, marital, conjugal, connubial, wedded
nuptial, hymeneal, spousal, bridal.
the gray mare the better horse
a world-without-end bargain" [Love's Labor's Lost]
render me worthy of this noble wife" [Julius Caesar]