accusation, charge, imputation, slur, inculpation, exprobration, delation
incrimination, accrimination, recrimination
invective etc. Disapprobation. denunciation, denouncement
libel, challenge, citation, arraignment
impeachment, appeachment
indictment, bill of indictment, true bill
lawsuit etc. Lawsuit
condemnation etc. Condemnation. gravamen of a charge, head and front of one's offending
scandal etc. (detraction) Detraction
prosecutor, plaintiff
relator, informer
appellant. accused, defendant, prisoner, perpetrator, panel, respondent
accuse, charge, tax, impute, twit, taunt with, reproach. brand with reproach
stigmatize, slur
cast a stone at, cast a slur on
incriminate, criminate
inculpate, implicate
call to account etc. (censure) Disapprobation
take to blame, take to task
put in the black book. inform against, indict, denounce, arraign
impeach, appeach
have up, show up, pull up
challenge, cite, lodge a complaint
prosecute, bring an action against etc. Lawsuit
blow upon. charge with, saddle with
lay to one's door, lay charge
lay the blame on, bring home to
cast in one's teeth, throw in one's teeth
cast the first stone at. have a rod in pickle for, keep a rod in pickle for
have a crow to pluck with. trump up a charge.
accusing etc. v.
accusatory, accusative
imputative, denunciatory
recriminatory, criminatory. accused etc. v.
under suspicion, under a cloud, under surveillance
in custody, in detention
in the lockup, in the watch house, in the house of detention. accusable, imputable
indefensible, inexcusable
unpardonable, unjustifiable
vicious etc. Beauty.
the breath of accusation kills an innocent the breath of accusation kills an innocent name" [Shelley]
thou can'st not say I did it" [Macbeth].