what ought to be, what should be
fitness etc. adj.
equitableness etc. adj.
fair play, impartiality, measure for measure, give and take, Nemesis, Themis. scales of justice, evenhanded justice, karma
clear stage, fair field and no favor, level playing field. morals etc. (duty) Duty
law etc. Legality
honor etc. (probity) Probity
virtue etc. Virtue.
be right etc. adj.
stand to reason. see justice done, see one righted, see fair play
do justice to
recompense etc. (reward) Reward
bold the scales even, give and take
serve one right, put the saddle on the right horse
give every one his due, give the devil his due
right, good
just, reasonable
fit etc. Dueness
equal, equable, equatable
evenhanded, fair. legitimate, justifiable, rightful
as it should be, as it ought to be
lawful etc. (permitted) Permission, (legal) Legality. deserved etc. Dueness.
rightly etc. adj.
in justice, in equity, in reason. without distinction of persons, without regard to persons, without respect to persons
upon even terms.
in equal scale weighing delight and dole" [Hamlet]
thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just" [Henry VI].