Husbandry (The economy or management of animals)
husbandry, taming etc. v.
circuration, zoohygiantics
domestication, domesticity
veterinary art
breeding, pisciculture. menagerie, vivarium, zoological garden
bear pit
aviary, apiary, alveary, beehive
aquarium, fishery
duck pond, fish pond. phthisozoics etc. (killing) [Destruction of life; violent death.] Killing [Destruction of animals]
euthanasia, sacrifice, humane destruction. neatherd, cowherd, shepherd
grazier, drover, cowkeeper
trainer, breeder
apiarian, apiarist
bull whacker [U.S.], cowboy, cow puncher [U.S.], farrier
horse leech, horse doctor
vaquero, veterinarian, vet, veterinary surgeon. cage etc. (prison) [Means of restraint.] Prison
hencoop, bird cage, cauf
range, sheepfold, c. (inclosure) Inclosure.
tame, domesticate, acclimatize, breed, tend, break in, train
cage, bridle, c. (restrain) Restraint.
pastoral, bucolic
tame, domestic.