electronic devices [devices for recording and reproducing recorded sound], phonograph, gramophone, megaphone, phonorganon. [device to convert sound to electrical signals] microphone, directional microphone, mike, hand mike, lapel microphone. [devices to convert recorded sound to electronic signals] phonograph needle, stylus, diamond stylus, pickup
reading head (electronic devices). hearer, auditor, listener, eavesdropper, listener-in. auditory, audience. [science of hearing] otology, otorhinolaryngology. [physicians specializing in hearing] otologist, otorhinolaryngologist.
hear, overhear
hark, harken
list, listen, pay attention, take heed
give an ear, lend an ear, bend an ear
catch, catch a sound, prick up one's ears
give ear, give a hearing, give audience to. hang upon the lips of, be all ears, listen with both ears. become audible
meet the ear, fall upon the ear, catch the ear, reach the ear