Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Stridor (Harsh sounds)

  • creak etc. v.
  • creaking etc. v.
  • discord, c. Discord
  • stridor
  • roughness, sharpness, c. adj.
  • cacophony
  • cacoepy. acute note, high note
  • soprano, treble, tenor, alto, falsetto, penny trumpet
  • creak, grate, jar, burr, pipe, twang, jangle, clank, clink
  • scream etc. (cry) Cry
  • yelp etc. (animal sound) [Animal sounds.] Ululation
  • buzz etc. (hiss) [Hissing sounds.] Sibilation. set the teeth on edge
  • pierce the ears, split the ears, split the head
  • offend the ear, grate upon the ear, jar upon the ear.
  • creaking etc. v.
  • stridulous, harsh, coarse, hoarse, horrisonous, rough, gruff, grum, sepulchral, hollow. sharp, high, acute, shrill
  • trumpet-toned
  • piercing, ear-piercing, high-pitched, high-toned
  • cracked
  • discordant etc. Discord
  • cacophonous.