fool, idiot, tomfool, wiseacre, simpleton, witling, dizzard, donkey, ass
ninny, ninnyhammer
chowderhead, chucklehead
dolt, booby, Tom Noddy, looby, hoddy-doddy, noddy, nonny, noodle, nizy, owl
goose, goosecap
radoteur, nincompoop, badaud, zany
trifler, babbler
pretty fellow
natural, niais. child, baby, infant, innocent, milksop, sop. oaf, lout, loon, lown, dullard, doodle, calf, colt, buzzard, block, put, stick, stock, numps, tony. bull head, dunderhead, addlehead, blockhead, dullhead, loggerhead, jolthead, jolterhead, beetlehead, beetlebrain, grosshead, muttonhead, noodlehead, giddyhead
numbskull, thickskull
lackbrain, shallowbrain
dimwit, halfwit, lackwit
lunkhead sawney [U.S.], gowk
clod, clod-hopper
clod-poll, clot-poll, clot-pate
bull calf
gawk, Gothamite, lummox, rube [U.S.]
men of Boeotia, sot
jobbernowl, changeling, mooncalf, gobemouche. dotard, driveler
old fogey, old woman, crock
crone, grandmother
cotquean, henhussy. incompetent (insanity) Insanity. greenhorn etc. (dupe) Dupe
dunce etc. (ignoramus) Ignoramus
lubber etc. (bungler) Bungler
madman etc. Madman. one who will not set the Thames on fire
one who did not invent gunpowder
no conjuror.