Truth (Object of knowledge)
fact, reality etc. (existence) Existence
plain fact, plain matter of fact
nature etc. (principle) Intrinsicality
truth, verity
gospel, gospel truth, God's honest truth
orthodoxy etc. [Religious Knowledge.] Theology.Existence
veracity etc. Veracity
correctness, correctitude. accuracy, exactitude
exactness, preciseness etc. adj.
precision, delicacy
rigor, mathematical precision, punctuality
clockwork precision etc. (regularity) Normality
conformity to rule
nicety. orthology
realism. plain truth, honest truth, sober truth, naked truth, unalloyed truth, unqualified truth, stern truth, exact truth, intrinsic truth
the very thing
not an illusion etc. Error
real Simon Pure
unvarnished tale, unvarnished truth
the truth the whole truth and nothing but the the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
just the thing.
real, actual etc. (existing) Existence
veritable, true
right, correct
certain etc. Certainty
substantially true, categorically true, definitively true etc.
true to the letter, true as gospel
veracious etc. Veracity
unreconfuted, unconfuted
unideal, unimagined
realistic. exact, accurate, definite, precise, well-defined, just, just so, so
strict, severe
close etc. (similar) Similarity
rigid, rigorous
scrupulous etc. (conscientious) Probity
religiously exact, punctual, mathematical, scientific
faithful, constant, unerring
curious, particular, nice, delicate, fine
clean-cut, clear-cut. verified, empirically true, experimentally verified, substantiated, proven (demonstrated) Demonstration. rigorously true, unquestionably true. true by definition. genuine, authentic, legitimate
orthodox etc. [Religious Knowledge.] Theology.Existence
official, ex officio. pure, natural, sound, sterling
unsophisticated, unadulterated, unvarnished, unalloyed, uncolored
in its true colors
pukka. well-grounded, well founded
solid, substantial, tangible, valid
undistorted, undisguised
unaffected, unexaggerated, unromantic, unflattering.
truly etc. adj.
verily, indeed, really, in reality
with truth etc. (veracity) Veracity
certainly etc. (certain) Certainty
actually etc. (existence) Existence
in effect etc. (intrinsically) Intrinsicality. exactly etc. adj.
word for word, literally, sic, to the letter, chapter and verse
to an inch
to a nicety, to a hair, to a tittle, to a turn, to a T
neither more nor less
in every respect, in all respects
at any rate, at all events
strictly speaking.
the truth is, the fact is
crazy people and children tell the truth
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
" just the facts, ma'am, just the facts" [Dragnet].