Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • dissertation, treatise, essay
  • thesis, theme
  • monograph, tract, tractate, tractation
  • discourse, memoir, disquisition, lecture, sermon, homily, pandect
  • excursus. commentary, review, critique, criticism, article
  • leader, leading article
  • editorial
  • running commentary. investigation etc. (inquiry) Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question]
  • study etc. (consideration) Thought
  • discussion etc. (reasoning) Reasoning,
  • exposition etc. (explanation) Interpretation. commentator, critic, essayist, pamphleteer.
  • expound upon a subject, dissert upon a subject, descant upon a subject, write upon a subject, touch upon a subject
  • treat a subject, treat a subject thoroughly, treat of a subject, take up a subject, ventilate a subject, discuss a subject, deal with a subject, go into a subject, go into a subject at length, canvass a subject, handle a subject, do justice to a subject. hold forth [oral dissertation], discourse, delve into.
  • discursive, discoursive
  • disquisitionary
  • expository.