speech, faculty of speech
locution, talk, parlance, verbal intercourse, prolation, oral communication, word of mouth, parole, palaver, prattle
effusion. oration, recitation, delivery, say, speech, lecture, harangue, sermon, tirade, formal speech, peroration
soliloquy etc. Soliloquy
allocution etc. Allocution
conversation etc. Conversation
salutatory : screed: valedictory [U.S.]. oratory
elocution, eloquence
rhetoric, declamation
grandiloquence, multiloquence
burst of eloquence
flow of words, command of words, command of language
power of speech, gift of the gab
prolocutor, interlocutor
mouthpiece, Hermes
orator, oratrix, oratress
Demosthenes, Cicero
stump orator, platform orator
speechmaker, patterer, improvisatore.
speak of
say, utter, pronounce, deliver, give utterance to
utter forth, pour forth
breathe, let fall, come out with
rap out, blurt out have on one's lips
have at the end of one's tongue, have at the tip of one's tongue. break silence
open one's lips, open one's mouth
lift one's voice, raise one's voice
give the tongue, wag the tongue
talk, outspeak
put in a word or two, hold forth
make a speech, deliver a speech etc. n.
speechify, harangue, declaim, stump, flourish, recite, lecture, sermonize, discourse, be on one's legs
have one's say, say one's say
spout, rant, rave, vent one's fury, vent one's rage
expatiate etc. (speak at length) Diffuseness
speak one's mind, go on the stump, take the stump [U.S.]. soliloquize etc. Soliloquy
tell etc. (inform) Information
speak to etc. Allocution
talk together etc. Conversation. be eloquent etc. adj.
have a tongue in one's head, have the gift of the gab etc. n.. pass one's lips, escape one's lips
fall from the lips, fall from the mouth.
speaking etc.
spoken etc. v.
oral, lingual, phonetic, not written, unwritten, outspoken
eloquent, elocutionary
oratorical, rhetorical
grandiloquent etc. Ornament
talkative etc. Loquacity
Ciceronian, nuncupative, Tullian.
orally etc. adj.
by word of mouth, viva voce, from the lips of.
quoth he, said he etc.
action is eloquence" [Coriolanus]
pour the full tide of eloquence along" [Pope]
she speaks poignards and every word stabs" [Much Ado About Nothing]
speech is but broken light upon the depth of the speech is but broken light upon the depth of the unspoken" [G. Eliot]
to try thy eloquence now 'tis time" [Antony and Cleopatra].