Intellectual Faculties
Materials for Reasoning
471. Impossibility
be impossible etc. adj.
have no chance whatever. attempt impossibilities
square the circle, wash a blackamoor white
skin a flint
make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, make bricks without straw
have nothing to go upon
weave a rope of sand, build castles in the air, extract sunbeams from cucumbers, set the Thames on fire, milk a he-goat into a sieve, catch a weasel asleep, be in two places at once.
not possible etc. Possibility
absurd, contrary to reason
unreasonable etc. Intuition. Sophistry [The absence of reasoning.] [False or vicious reasoning; show of reason.]
incredible etc. Unbelief. Doubt
beyond the bounds of reason, beyond the bounds of possibility, beyond the realm of possibility
from which reason recoils
inconceivable etc. (improbable) Improbability
prodigious etc. (wonderful) Wonder
unimaginable, inimaginable
unthinkable. impracticable unachievable
unfeasible, infeasible
unsurmountable, insurmountable
unattainable, unobtainable
out of reach, out of the question
not to be had, not to be thought of
beyond control
desperate etc. (hopeless) [Absence, want or loss of hope.] Hopelessness
incompatible etc. Disagreement
inaccessible, uncomeatable, impassable, impervious, innavigable, inextricable
self-contradictory. out of one's power, beyond one's power, beyond one's depth, beyond one's reach, beyond one's grasp
too much for
the grapes are sour
look for a needle in a haystack
il a le mer +a boire.