Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • be impossible etc. adj.
  • have no chance whatever. attempt impossibilities
  • square the circle, wash a blackamoor white
  • skin a flint
  • make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, make bricks without straw
  • have nothing to go upon
  • weave a rope of sand, build castles in the air, extract sunbeams from cucumbers, set the Thames on fire, milk a he-goat into a sieve, catch a weasel asleep, be in two places at once.
  • impossible
  • not possible etc. Possibility
  • absurd, contrary to reason
  • unlikely
  • unreasonable etc. Intuition. Sophistry [The absence of reasoning.] [False or vicious reasoning; show of reason.]
  • incredible etc. Unbelief. Doubt
  • beyond the bounds of reason, beyond the bounds of possibility, beyond the realm of possibility
  • from which reason recoils
  • visionary
  • inconceivable etc. (improbable) Improbability
  • prodigious etc. (wonderful) Wonder
  • unimaginable, inimaginable
  • unthinkable. impracticable unachievable
  • unfeasible, infeasible
  • insuperable
  • unsurmountable, insurmountable
  • unattainable, unobtainable
  • out of reach, out of the question
  • not to be had, not to be thought of
  • beyond control
  • desperate etc. (hopeless) [Absence, want or loss of hope.] Hopelessness
  • incompatible etc. Disagreement
  • inaccessible, uncomeatable, impassable, impervious, innavigable, inextricable
  • self-contradictory. out of one's power, beyond one's power, beyond one's depth, beyond one's reach, beyond one's grasp
  • too much for
  • the grapes are sour
  • look for a needle in a haystack
  • il a le mer +a boire.