Morning (Noon)
morning, morn, forenoon, a.m., prime, dawn, daybreak
dayspring, foreday, sunup
peep of day, break of day
first blush of the morning, first flush of the morning, prime of the morning
twilight, crepuscule, sunrise
cockcrow, cockcrowing
the small hours, the wee hours of the morning. spring
vernal equinox, first point of Aries. noon
midday, noonday
noontide, meridian, prime
nooning, noontime. summer, midsummer.
at sunrise etc. n.
with the sun, with the lark, when the morning dawns."
at shut of evening flowers" [Paradise Lost]
flames in the forehead of the morning sky" [Milton]
the breezy call of incense-breathing morn" [Gray].