Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Simple Quantity

Quantity (Absolute quantity)

  • quantity, magnitude
  • size etc. (dimensions) Size
  • amplitude, magnitude, mass, amount, sum, quantum, measure, substance, strength, force. [Science of quantity.] mathematics, mathesis. [Logic.] category, general conception, universal predicament. [Definite or finite quantity.] armful, handful, mouthful, spoonful, capful
  • stock, batch, lot, dose
  • yaffle.
  • quantify, measure, fix, estimate, determine, quantitate, enumerate.
  • quantitative, some, any, aught, more or less, a few.
  • to the tune of, all of, a full, the sum of, fully, exactly, precisely.

Degree (Relative quantity)

  • degree, grade, extent, measure, amount, ratio, stint, standard, height, pitch
  • reach, amplitude, range, scope, caliber
  • gradation, shade
  • tenor, compass
  • sphere, station, rank, standing
  • rate, way, sort. point, mark, stage etc. (term) Term
  • intensity, strength etc. (greatness) Greatness.
  • comparative
  • gradual, shading off
  • within the bounds etc. (limit) Limit.
  • by degrees, gradually, inasmuch
  • however, howsoever
  • step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch, drop by drop
  • a little at a time, by inches, by slow degrees, by degrees, by little and little
  • in some degree, in some measure
  • to some extent