Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • be one, be alone etc. adj.
  • dine with Duke Humphrey. isolate etc. (disjoin) Disjunction. render one
  • unite etc. (join) Junction, (combine) Combination.
  • one, sole, single, solitary, unitary
  • individual, apart, alone
  • kithless. unaccompanied, unattended
  • single-handed
  • singular, odd, unique, unrepeated, azygous, first and last
  • isolated etc. (disjoined) Disjunction
  • insular. monospermous
  • unific, uniflorous, unifoliate, unigenital, uniliteral, unijocular, unimodal [Math.], unimodular. lone, lonely, lonesome
  • desolate, dreary. insecable, inseverable, indiscerptible
  • compact, indivisible, atomic, irresolvable.
  • singly etc. adj.
  • alone, by itself, per se, only, apart, in the singular number, in the abstract
  • one by one, one at a time
  • simply
  • one and a half, sesqui-.
  • two souls with but a single thought, two hearts two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one."